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Golden master class

Hey you, first of all nice that you found your way to us anda heartfelt thank youfor your interest in Rosita's masterclass. Do you like this Z?hurry in the best of health,

Achieve satisfaction and happiness in life. 


2022 has shaken many, even though this year began for many of you in the silent hope that things would finally get better again. Again and again we hear of (material)Uncertainty, fears and (media) tiredness.


We celebrated the Golden Masterclass in the first week of January so touchingly,with over 250 participantsin the live calls. This huge response showed once again:


It is more healing and important than ever that we all pull together and remember (again) that All is one and all is connected to all.

We are all connected.





Rosita's contribution to this was very simple: everyone gave what was worth between 11 and 99 euros and against this background  was useveryone is very welcome


Thenfor 30 years, with 14 books and over 3,000 publicationsfor GALA, ELLE, Happinez, TV and radio, Rosita Leon follows her calling: everything to do with the stars, cosmic cycles and your challenges between heaven and earth in happiness in life, health, love and the best mindset... and she is trilingual in the whole world. 


But that was not always the case and your master class became a GOLDEN master class 2023 because Rosita passes on much more than her XXL knowledge and great life experience to you. Of course, she goes into the classic topics of your year 2023:Health, Love, Vocation & Calling & Vision Quest.   But this is on top of that:  



  •  Your cycles related to your insecurities and fears, high sensitivity... how can you make them your allies in 2023?

  •  Which big portal days are when and why are particularly important for you? 

  •  Your mental health and mindset 2023 

  •  Your happy connection 2023 between YOUR life and the "inheritance" of your ancestral line 

  •  How can you make abundance, inner and outer fullness, inner peace and trust in the different cosmic cycles possible for you?




With this wealth of topics, we look forward to presenting them to youGolden Masterclasses in Recordingto be able to provide. We also make something very special possible for you:


Only 33 eurosper zodiac sign as the golden mean of all registrations. Of course, the same applies to you as a Master Class participant and the incredibly discounted reading below. 



We look forward to seeing you in your Golden Masterclass! ︎


Data for the live calls


Leo - 9:00 a.m

Aquarius - 10:30am 

Virgo - 12:00 p.m

Fish - 1:15 p.m




Aries - 6:30 p.m

Libra - 8:00 p.m. 


Taurus - 6:30 p.m

Scorpio - 8:00 p.m


Twins - 6:30pm

Sagittarius - 8:00 p.m


Cancer - 6:30 p.m

Capricorn - 8:00 p.m

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